
Friday, 11 January 2013

Guest Post: Improve Your Health Naturally

With so many infomercials, advertisements and social media messages touting the next best solution to lose weight fast, this concept crosses nearly everyone's mind every single day. Many of these “get healthy fast” solutions utilize a variety of chemicals or unhealthy practices in order to slim down or bulk up.

And for most people, getting healthy isn't necessarily about losing weight, but about making smart choices with their habits and lifestyles. Yes, many people hope to lose that last 5 pounds, but in all actuality, the goal could be to get healthier, and they'll feel better in the long run.

As someone who has recently made healthier choices in her day to day life, I know firsthand how little changes can improve my overall health. Below are four of my favorite tips for improving your healthy in a natural way.


   I know it might sound silly to start out with this, but massage has really proven to be a fantastic natural way to get my health on track. The benefits of massage are almost endless, and go far beyond feeling good or making for a relaxing afternoon. Massage can naturally reduced blood pressure, improved posture, and increase blood circulation - all important factors in an overall healthy lifestyle.

All Natural Foods

Natural, whole foods have so many nutrients, it's ridiculous. Because many of us eat processed foods for the convenience or accustomed taste, we are missing out on a whole host of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients that can improve our health. Making simple changes from using all fresh vegetables instead of canned or frozen vegetables, and using hormone-free meat in your cooking will help improve your nutrient intake overall. Also, for an added boost, for whole food supplements as an additional source of important vitamins and minerals.

Easy Exercise
Exercise may seem daunting, especially for those who aren't used to it. But exercise doesn't need to be running 3 hours each day, or lifting 150 pounds each night at the gym. Find easy ways to get a workout in each day. Vigorous cleaning, walking the dog, or attending a dance class with friends are all great and healthy ways to fit in a workout. If you make a small effort each day, exercise will become easier and easier to fit into your schedule.

Track Your Progress

You may have heard of people keeping a food diary, but you may not completely understand the benefits of this practice. I'm a big fan of tracking everything I eat throughout the day, as well as my physical activity and my daily weight. All these measurements combine for an overall picture into my continued good health. And there are plenty of great smart-phone apps available that will help you keep track of your food intake and activity levels so you are always aware of the progress you're making for your health.

You can improve your overall health without medical intervention or prescription medications. Natural solutions for getting healthy are more beneficial in the long run, and your body will respond to them positively. Enjoy your healthy journey with natural solutions, and enjoy the rest of your life. 

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  1. Those all all very good points! Baby steps and adventure usually don't go together except when you are trying to get fit! Start off slow and set goals; try something new each day... loved your points on healthy eating!

  2. I do most of these things but I can't remember the last time I had a massage. Now that I know all the benefits, perhaps I should go get one!

  3. I love all of these tips! Thanks for sharing. Just found your cute blog through the blog hop. I'm a new follower. Hope you'll stop by sometime!


  4. Thanks for following!! Very helpful posts

    Summer x

  5. Good ideas! Thanks for sharing. I'm following you back from Sew-licious Home Decor, thanks for visiting!

    Happy New Year,

  6. Hi, I found you blog on A Cat Like Curiosity's Blog Hop. I am now following you via GFC. Would you mind to please stop by my blog and follow back? Thank you! :)

    The Eyes of a Boy

  7. Thanks for checking out my blog, following back! Can't wait to get some great fitness and beauty tips from you! I am obsessed with both ;)
    The Real McCoy(s)

  8. I'm following back! Thanks for linking with my Make My Saturday Sweet blog hop. I read your post on the Aspirin mask and it sounds like a great idea.

    Amanda's Books and More

  9. I already follow and am visiting today from the Sunshine and a Summer Breeze hop. I like the tips and the idea of tracking progress is a really good one. If I see progress on paper I'm far more likely to keep going.

  10. Awesome blog post! I'm following you from the Aloha Blog Hop, and I'm your newest fan//follower. I'd love for you to stop by and follow back :) Looking forward to updates!

    Happy Sunday!

    Diary of a Debutante

  11. stumbled on your blog via the blog hop at:

    very very nice post!
    would def LOVE the chance to guest post a health/fitness post on your blog is you ever need another guest blogger!

    New follower via email! :-)

  12. Great down to earth advice. Thank you for sharing. Stopping by from Bloggers and now your newest follower.

  13. Great post! Rather interesting and informative! Thanks for sharing. I am a new Follower of your Blog. Have a good day.
    Judy - Judy H-J's Thoughts

  14. such great tips! and nothing "fancy" or out there, just wisdom if you ask me!

  15. I am ALL about improving health naturally! thanks a ton for stopping by and following me - following you back. by the way you're a "no-reply" blogger which means I couldn't reply back to your comment. I have a section on my blog "blogging for newbies" that shows how to fix that! (that way everyone else can reply back when you comment) and you wont think people are just ignoring you. lol

  16. I am all about comfort,lol If there is such a thing in fitness, I had several gym memberships and a couple months in I stopped, I find working out at home in my nightgown works best! I am your new follower from the blog hop. Look forward to connecting.
    You can find me at http://fitandbeyond40.c0m

  17. Great tips. I need to add more exercise for sure - that's a tough one for me.

  18. thanks for your comment!I follow now and I wait you go back:)

    originailly, eliana

  19. oh wow what a nice post!! thanks for your comment!! sure lets follow each other:) follow me, i'll follow back. just let me know.
    wish u a nice day.

  20. Hi i am a new follower of you! I love your blog and i follow u on gfc! wanna follow me back on gfc? I would be very happy! giulia

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