Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Guest Post: Easy Home Exercises to Slim Down Your Waist

There will always be those who wait for the most elite personal trainer Birmingham has to offer to come along and sort their love-handles out for them, but slimming down a waist is something that really anyone has the power to take control of themselves. Of course, it is a case of balancing the right lifestyle with the right diet and the right exercises, as without any of these three components the other two are largely redundant.

The technical term for targeting weight loss in one part of the body is Spot Reduction and here’s the bad news – it’s actually impossible to pick a part of the body and lose weight from it. Instead, the body itself chooses where and when to shed the pounds, but this doesn't mean you can’t carry out plenty of exercises at home to build a slimmer, firmer waist.
The key is to go for exercises that not only promote weight loss, but also serve to tone and shape your waist at the same time – the following being some of the most effective and simple ones:


Quite simply any cardio exercise you undertake at home will have an excellent effect on your waist, helping you to shed the pounds and also train your stomach muscles at the same time. You should be looking at sessions of about 45 minutes or so to be practiced three to five times per week for a noticeable difference within the first month. A basic exercise bike or treadmill is absolutely perfect for the job.

Knee Raise

This is a safe and simple exercise that requires a pull-up bar be installed in doorway. In the simplest possible terms, it is a case of hanging from the bar with hands at shoulder-width apart and then slowly bringing your knees up to your chest and then lowering them again. This can be done in any number of reps and for any duration in accordance with personal fitness – excellent for toning and weight loss.

Simple Crunches

Crunches are some of the most effective waist-toning exercises on the face of the Earth and can be made about a thousand times easier by investing in a sit-up bar to be fitted under a door of the home. However, it must be remembered that crunches are lot higher-impact than they can appear to be at the time of carrying them out so anyone new to the activity must start slowly and gently to prevent injury.


Another excellent home exercise is a form of rotation that demands a medicine ball and an inflatable balance ball. The exercise involves sitting up straight on the balance ball and holding the medicine ball out in front at arm’s length, slowly rotating the arms in a circular motion to really get those stomach muscles working.

Reverse Crunches

Last but not least, one of the simplest approaches of all is that of the reverse crunch – basically where you lay flat on your back on a suitable safe surface and summarily raise your legs off the ground either straight or bend the knee, slowly lowering them without making contact with the ground and then repeating the raise.
And of course, the best approach of all is a carefully balanced mixture of all of the above!

About Author

Stacey Thorpe has worked with some of the most advanced personal trainers Sheffield has ever known and today makes a living offering bespoke fitness packages across the BBBB area. When not on a mission to build the health of Britain, she loves spending time with her husband of two years and their young daughter.

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  2. Very nice blog and amazing subject. I do always feel my waist is not slim enough or abs is not like I want it. very nice post!

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  3. Thanks for this post!! very informative <3


  4. I cant wait to be able to worry about the size of my waist again! This pregnancy is almost over :)

  5. I love reverse crunches, they really do work!

  6. Good morning, Love your blog. I am a new follower from the blog hop.

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  7. It happened to me some times: I wanted to lose weight from my belly and I never lost it! Just in my legs! This drove me crazy! But then, I start cycling and I think I got it! Practicing this sport I exercise almost all the parts of my body!

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